Phone Sex Brat Tabby

Do you like calling up a phone sex brat that tells you how much of a perfect princess they are? They inform you how all their callers lavish them with tips and gift cards and give them whatever they want. Such snotty braggarts they are, and you love it. Some men love to give. They need to share and having some little bitch that’s all about me, myself, and I is what gets them hot. Odd, but many love the bratty princess types. These women are concerned about themselves first and foremost. They won’t ask how your day went, they will tell you about theirs, and you’d best sound interested as they ramble on about all the men that worshiped them today.

Phone Sex Brat

A perfect phone sex brat is usually college age. She might have come from a fairly well-off family that pampered her and gave her much too much of everything, and now she’s spoiled and entitled. She’s got men wrapped around her little finger and she wants you, and every other man, wrapped around it too. You find it cute and endearing, and you love to spoil her with elegant clothes and give her money for travel and expensive things she feels she deserves.

Maybe you had an amicable phone sex relationship with a phone sex brat in the past, but she finished school and moved on from phone sex, or maybe she hooked herself to a real-life sugar daddy that she married and now she’s a perfect little trophy wife. There’s always a new crop of entitled brats that are new to the world of phone sex for you to call. You can resist a tight ass, perky tits, blonde hair and a killer smile, and her eye on your wallet. You love it, you dirty old man, don’t you?

1 888 314 6639 and ask to talk to Tabby

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